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95%Vilkduja - Nežinau2015-07-22 / Alastor / Reads: 3503It is rare to have an opportunity to commune with such gems as "Nežinau" - especially when these pearls come from behind our north-eastern borders. Do you know some Lithuanian musicians oscillating stylistically near dark independent? No? Then you have to acquaint with Vilkduja! Well Vilkduja is a lo-fi/neofolk... |
60%Vigilante - Life is a Battlefield2014-08-31 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 3216Until release of live DVD/CD Ivan Muñoz as Vigilante had on his account two studio albums and a Spanish language EP "Juicio Final". If life, and thus performances on stage, are actually the battlefield, it is worth to consider, what maneuvers resulted in international success of the Chilean act on... |
95%Vigilante - Army of Time2011-10-12 / shade / Reads: 3102Despite the popularity of the Chilean band Vigilante, I had the opportunity to meet them for a first time. And as it is with the first impression – it can be misleading. It was enough that I saw the cover of the latest EP, "Army of Time" and instantly I... |
90%Victor Sierra - Electric Rain2012-08-06 / savetier / Reads: 3315Victor Sierra is an aspiring Steampunk group from Paris. The crew of the airship "Hydrogen Queen" will surely take you on a vaporous journey. Victor Sierra is an important part of establishing the Steampunk aesthetic in Europe. Steampunk itself is not a musical genre, there is only Steampunk-themed... |
100%Vernian Process - Behold the Machine2012-01-13 / savetier / Reads: 4086Vernian Process was one of the first musical acts making Steampunk music. It started as a one-man-project by Joshua Pfeiffer, but evolved to a project with many musicians now. The musical style, which is sometimes referred to as "Steamwave", reminds of dark wave with a lot of additional steamy sounds... |
55%Velvet Condom - Stadtgeil2014-05-31 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 3817Although I’ve never experienced this feeling (I’ve been close), I can understand irritation accompanying quite a pitiful situation in which you have a used condom stuck to the sole of your shoe. After an exhausting night this condom has finally had a rest on a pavement near a crowded street... |